The Starman's Realm
Site Map
Although I've loosely defined the labels of the new subdirectories here
to help describe their contents, I may not strictly follow these labels...
some files may exist in one subdir that should perhaps be elsewhere.
I may have done so due to their being linked together in the texts.
Send your comments or questions to me using my online
Feedback form here.
asm/ > Assembly and Hexadecimal
asm/Hexawhat.html All about
Hexa-decimal; really!
asm/mbr/MBR_in_detail.htm > The
Master Boot Record (MBR) and other Boot Records
asm/eicar/eicarcom.html > Example Assembly
Program: All the details!
asm/fire/Fire.html > Example Assembly program
avt/ > Anti-Virus/Trojan Files
avt/viruses.html What is a Computer Virus?
avt/pgp/pgp.htm > PGP - An Encryption Program
bib/ > Bible Texts (Not Ready Yet!)
bib/heb/Tiberian.htm > Hebrew - Fonts (only SP
Tiberian so far...)
DOS/ > MS-DOS (Commands and Programs)
MS-DOS 7 Index page Index to all the
DOS Commands and Programs
epc/ > Digital Electronics, PCs
(hard drives) and PC Communications
epc/4004.html The Intel 4004 (The first
hack/ > Hacking (in a Positive
hack/HackStart.htm Hacking Explorer's
Start Button
hack/notepad.htm Hacking Notepad
his/ > History
Linux/ > Linux OS
linux/linux.html > An Introduction to the
Linux Console Commands; using "tomsrtbt" boot disk.
lit/ > Literature
math/ > Mathematics
math/pi/ > PI (π)
you know: 3.14159265....
math/pi/RandPI.html > The Randomness of PI (π)
-- Stats & Patterns
math/pi/PI.100.000.TXT > PI (π)
to 100,000 Decimal Places!
math/pi/UCLApiError.html > Errors in PI (π)
on the Internet
math/pi/picalcs.htm > Accurate PI (π)
Files of all sizes
net/ > The Internet
net/iptcp.html The IP in
TCP/IP or: "How Can Two Computers Contact Each Other on The Largest
Inter-connection of Networks in the World?"
perl/ > Perl Programming Language
RGB/ > COLOR (Red, Green, Blue) on
Computers and elsewhere
tms/ > Time, Matter, Space --
Astronomy and other Sciences
tool/ > Free Tools