The Starman's Realm
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Welcome to:
Parts of my OLD Home Page for
The Starman's Realm

(Let me be your guide to some wonderful Information
on the World Wide Web and elsewhere)


Personal Information

" I'm still just as curious about some things
now, as I was at this age! "
-- The Starman

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may wish to send me by way of my Online Feedback Form or signing my guest book. Thank you for your input.

I'd like to encourage you to continue following your dreams!

Have you updated your Windows(TM) Operating Systems (Win 95, 98 and NT) to be Y2K compliant yet? Didn't even know you had to? Read this page about the free downloads from Microsoft and what could be affected if you don't take advantage of this!

Free Programs and Information:

Here are some of my interests and hobbies:

Computers and Communications

Hiking/Backpacking -- I've finally added a picture here from my trip to the top of Mt. Whitney. I hope to add pictures from other peaks I've bagged as well!
So, look for some other pictures here soon!

Astronomy ('Stargazing' from a mountaintop; and observing planets, clusters, nebulae, galaxies, etc.) It's not just a coincidence that I refer to myself as The Starman. (To see why, take this link: Why I refer to myself as "The Starman").

Primarily now in what is called the 'recreational' variety, but some very important work in mathematics has started out this way.

Yes, I was training to be a chemist (or possibly a teacher of science) at one time in my life. Have you ever heard of Linus Pauling or Glen Seaborg?


Literature and Books I Recommend

Old B&W Photos
: Nostalgic B&W pictures -- including a classic car and my Mom.

Pics and comments about where I worked before the 1994 (Northridge) earthquake:
XYTRON, Ltd. in Sylmar, CA.

Other webpages: See the sites listed below. But note that many other SITES can be found in the "linked" topical pages listed above.

Living for Christ in all aspects of our lives

I hope you'll stay here long enough to see that Christians are quite different than the often bizzare characters portrayed on TV and in films! Apart from having to make a living like almost everyone else, some Believers also have varied hobbies and interests as well.

Among other things, what separates a Christian from those who do not believe, is that Jesus is our closest and best friend! That's because we also believe that He died and rose from the dead, to save us from our sin, and I love Him for doing this. If you're interested in knowing more about this, then follow the link below to, "How I Became a Christian," or send your questions to me via my Online Form page.

"Who Do You Think I am?" Explains The Gospel simply, using colorful roadsigns.

More of my interests (and beliefs; see my Table of Bible Book Abbreviations
to help you find the references in the following text files):


Back to my List of Interests.

This page was first activated in August of 1997.

Back to my List of hobbies.

Remember, you can always write to me using: The Online reply form ! (Your msg. will be sent directly to an address which the SPAM robots cannot access.)

For those of you who do not have your own e-mail program, here's a Link to an Online Feedback Form that you can use right now to send me a message!

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