@echo off REM BATCH Program by Daniel B. Sedory to run REM MBRFix.exe without having to first open a REM Command Prompt window. This program will REM only save information about a Windows PC's REM 1st disk drive (drive 0 under MBRFIX.exe). REM If you chgange the command lines below(*); REM in which I used only the 'driveinfo' and REM the 'listpartitions' commands, then please REM REMOVE MY NAME and edit these notes! if exist mbrfix.exe goto okrun echo. echo. echo Did not find mbrfix.exe in this folder, you echo must place mbrfix.exe in the same folder as echo MBRFIX.bat for it to run. echo. echo Press any key to close this window. pause > nul goto close :okrun echo -------------- >> drvdataout.txt echo Date and time: >> drvdataout.txt date /t >> drvdataout.txt time /t >> drvdataout.txt echo -------------- >> drvdataout.txt echo. >> drvdataout.txt echo DRIVE INFOMRATION: >> drvdataout.txt echo ----------------- >> drvdataout.txt REM (*) Change the command in this line as desired: mbrfix.exe /drive 0 driveinfo >> drvdataout.txt echo. >> drvdataout.txt echo PARTITION TABLE INFO: >> drvdataout.txt echo -------------------- >> drvdataout.txt REM (*) Change or delete this line as desired: mbrfix.exe /drive 0 listpartitions >> drvdataout.txt echo. >> drvdataout.txt echo. >> drvdataout.txt start notepad drvdataout.txt :close exit