@ECHO OFF REM A Remark or Comment line... Using double-colons (::) works OK too... :: SAMPLE AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE :: =========================== :: See comments at: /homestead/thestarman3/BootMenu.htm :: ======================================================================= :: Set the PATH= statement to any folder(s) you wish that contain programs :: you want to execute from a DOS prompt while in some other folder. If :: more than one folder is to be included, then separate them with semi- :: colons(;). PATH=C:\;C:\PERL\BIN;C:\TEMP :: Although the Windows OS automatically defaults to making the following :: two folders part of the PATH statement, they won't be part of it if you :: drop back into DOS; so I've added them to mine again (placing the word :: PATH between percent symbols at the end of the line means: add the PATH :: statement parameters from the line above into the PATH statement here). PATH=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\WINDOWS;%PATH% :: A few other software and/or hardware settings might follow... such as: SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP :: A TIMEZONE statement used by some programs (DOS PGP, for example): SET TZ=PST8PDT :: This is specifically for my Sound Blaster sound card... SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H7 P330 T6 :: Any statements placed BEFORE the following GOTO-CONFIG statement will :: apply to ALL the MENUITEM :Labels under it. (Think of the lines before :: this as being COMMON to all the MENUITEMS in CONFIG.SYS) GOTO %CONFIG% :: NOTE: that the MENUITEM [Labels] from the CONFIG.SYS file begin with a :: single colon (:) in this file! Furthermore, they do not have to :: be arranged in the same order they were listed in the CONFIG.SYS :: file! The statements in a batch file are similar to those found :: in a BASIC program; in fact, every statement in this file is a :: PROGRAM statement executed by the DOS operating system. :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :WIN LH C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\DOSKEY.COM echo. PAUSE WIN.COM GOTO END :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :DOSDRVS LH C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\DOSKEY.COM :: This is specifically for my CD-ROM drive (/L: sets the drive letter): C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /L:M /M:30 C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\MOUSE.COM PAUSE :: Since I rarely use DOS at boot-up, I display the following to remind :: myself of a few things when I do use it this way: CLS echo. echo. echo. ECHO You are now ready to begin your DOS session ... echo. ECHO The _ mouse driver_ has been loaded, and you echo. ECHO now have access to the CD-ROM drive as drive M echo ------------ ========= echo. ECHO You should REBOOT if you wish to begin a Windows session! echo. echo. PAUSE GOTO DONE :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :RAMDRV LH C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\DOSKEY.COM :DONE PROMPT $e[0m PROMPT $p$g CLS :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :DOSONLY :END